
Read excerpts from the forthcoming book, "Passing Thru"
KABC - The Shrine of Talk Radio"
"WLS Bound"

Gang Raped"
"Friends. When It's All Said and Done"

"Happy Birthday, Bob Hope"

"Don't Forget Me
(Eddie Cochran)"
"In Like Flynn"
"A Slice of Pie"
"Burt Lancaster"
"WLS-Art Roberts"
"The Presidents"

In 1971, Superjock Larry Lujack described John Rook as "the greatest program director of our time or any other time."  In a 2001 R&R article, former ABC executive Bob Henabery is quoted as saying that "Rook understood the importance of doing everything right. He was a masterful Top 40 programmer."

            Rook's Radiography

It's a pleasant surprise to find so much interest in the history of both the music and radio industry,
especially when others feature you in their websites. Thanks!   
John's Denver days... (click)
Pittsburgh and Chicago... (click)

FCC's Powell dances to a new tune on media monopolies � or does he really?
JOHN GORMAN -- "To be a member of President George W. Bush's administration, you have to be -- among other things -- an exceptional dancer. Take Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham for example. He's been doing the Electric Slide since the massive blackout a couple of weeks back. This week it's Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell's turn on the dance floor ... " (read)


Republicans Are Adding Weight to Reversal of F.C.C. Media Rule

July 23, 2023

WASHINGTON, July 22 - Until recent days, the nation's largest media conglomerates had hoped that the House of Representatives would kill the growing political efforts to
overturn their recent deregulation.
� 2003 NY Times

The FCC, that agency intended to promote widespread local ownership of broadcasting facilities and equal-time opportunities on the nation's airwaves, has caved in completely to a handful of wealthy monopolists.

What gives?

 And when is the public going to say "Enough!"?

by Jim Wright, former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives


Localism's Last Stand
by William Safire

This growing grass-roots grumbling against giantism is getting through to legislators ordinarily cowed by network-owned station managers or wowed by big-media campaign contributions. Some in-house pollster should awaken President Bush to a bipartisan sleeper issue that could blindside him next year (read)


(July 14, 2023 12:01am) According to a new research poll released today, more Americans are aware of the FCC's decision to loosen media ownership restrictions, and even more believe it will have a negative impact on the country. The Pew Research Center says that Nearly half of Americans (48%) say they have heard a lot (12%) or a little (36%) about the issue. In February, only about a quarter of the public (26%) knew even a little about the plan. People who are most familiar with the FCC plan have an overwhelmingly negative opinion of it. By roughly ten-to-one (70%-6%), those who have heard a lot about the rules change say its impact will be negative, not positive ...more on the study here...

SCANDALS & Scoundrels

Again, FCC chairman Michael Powell refuses to answer questions about a new scandal uncovered by the Center for Public Integrity.

The FCC's Strange Non-Profit 
Powell runs venture capital firm that claims it's private.

Read how he controls funds from those he is expected to regulate.  Outrageous!
(click to read)

All of the latest news concerning Media Monopolization (read)

Rook's Daily Clicks
Radio Daily News

Radio Ink
LA Radio
Radio & Records

John's Archives of Commentaries ...

Mel's Media Message (read)

Darkness lights deregulation issue (read)

Race to the Bottom --  �When we allow complaints to languish for a year, the message is loud and clear that the FCC is not serious about enforcing our nation�s laws.  Congress expected action from the FCC, but all too often our citizens� complaints are ignored.�  (read)

My late good friend Bill Gavin was a man of great ethics not given to retreat when faced with opposition.  Recognizing my own steps of going against the flow, he cautioned me to be prepared for a chorus of dissention, but that time usually proves one�s point (read)

Payola illegal, except for FCC chairman Michael Powell (read)

"Rush is full of _ _ _ _ " (read)

A measure introduced by U.S. Sen. John McCain bans industry-sponsored travel by FCC commissioners and staff, according to a statement from the senator�s office. Five years ago we began providing documentation to both Senators MCain and Hollings, showing this terrible conflict of interest not only from FCC staff, but with most elected officials. It wasn't until the Center for Public Integrity got involved with this issue that it finally begin to receive the attention needed (read)

Clear Channelized

This (FCC) chairman, known for his inability to work with and/or get along with others, continues to blame everyone else for his own shortcomings. His apple falls far from the tree of his seemly diplomatic father. Powell 2 is a lightweight who could never have been considered for a big paying government job at the Department of Justice or the Federal Communications Commission were it not for affirmative action. He has no appreciation of those who don't march to the beat of his drum. Damn!  They were right! (read)

Ted Turner jumps ship, warns against FCC deregulation (read) 

Former President Bill Clinton: The FCC also opened the door to local TV-newspaper mergers in many places, so you'll be getting your news and information from the same company regardless of whether you're turning on the TV or opening the newspaper. Why is this bad? (read)

John Nichols and Josh Silver: The Federal Communications Commission voted 3 to 2 to meet the demands of big communications corporations. Rigorously opposed by consumer, religious, labor, community and public interest groups across the country, FCC Chairman Michael Powell warped the decision-making process to deliver a result allowing conglomerates to buy up hundreds of newspapers, television and radio stations in communities across the United States. Competition, diversity and local content will be undermined in local markets and nationally. The FCC's decision was the product of a corrupt process that was awash in special-interest money, and that saw industries that are supposed to be regulated telling the regulators how to proceed (read) 

Contact Links
e-mail FCC Commissioners
e-mail U.S. House Members
e-mail U.S. Senate Members
Complaints - On line to the FCC


Stop Media Monopoly

If you're concerned about a few big companies controlling our country's
access to news, information, and entertainment, please join me in
letting Congress know.

Later this week or early next week, the Senate will likely take up its
last major vote on media reform, and it'll be very close.  After a
grassroots groundswell tipped the balance toward rolling back the FCC
rule change that would allow greater media concentration, lobbyists from

 big media conglomerates have been working around the clock to tip it back.

On Wednesday, will be holding a crucial press conference
with Senator Dorgan (D-ND) and Senator Snowe (R-ME) and groups across
the political spectrum to highlight the broad opposition to the FCC
rule change.   MoveOn needs to show that over 100,000 people have
voiced  their demand that the Senate vote to roll back the rule
change.  Please help us reach 100,000 signers today, join me in signing at:

Together, we can make sure that America's media is diverse,
competitive, and balanced.

As always...thanks.


All Content on this Web site � 2003 John H. Rook
All Rights Reserved
The opinions, commentary and satirical material posted on are those of John Rook, unless otherwise identified